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Divina protección

Dragon's blood sage

Dragon's blood sage

Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.99 USD
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 Product Name: Dragons Blood Sage 


Size: 3-4 inches


Product Description: Sold Individually 

Used to cleanse negativity from a person or space, enhance positive energy. This is sage coated with Dragon's Blood resins which will cleanse, heal, and protect you, your space, and things.

How to use: Hold the cleanse stick in the flame of your lighter (long handled lighter preferred) and rotate so all sides get lit. Give it a good blow and a shake. You should see smoke and no flames, then cleanse away.


Benefits: It encourage protection, enhance workings, cleanse negativity, health, and blessings

all our products are energetically cleansed before shipping to our customers  

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